The old city, located at the top of modern Pontevedra, contains several worthwhile sites.
La Capilla de la Peregrina: This very ornate old chapel's bells chime the hours. According to tradition, the Virgin Peregrina guided pilgrims who disembarked in Baiona on their way to Compostela. It was built at the end of the 18th century and has a scallop shell base. It features two styles: Baroque and Neoclassical. In the center of the church, there is an impressive altarpiece with the image of the Virgen Peregrina. The font with holy water is an enormous shell brought from the Pacific Ocean.
La BasÃlica de Santa MarÃa la Mayor: There are some interesting sculptures on the facade around the portal.
La Iglesia de Santo Domingo: These medieval ruins date from the 1300s and form part of the Provincial Museum of Pontevedra.
Public Square: Where everyone goes to stroll in the evenings. When the weather is cold, nothing beats stopping at a street vendor for a still-hot packet of fresh roasted chestnuts.
La Alameda: This public park is beautiful at sundown, when you can see the sun setting over the sea. It contains a monument to the region's seafarers. There is a small zoo there.
The farmers' market by the river: stop and get some "queixo galego" local cheese and "pan galego" traditional local bread.
Two picturesque bridges: The Ponte do Burgo and the Roman bridge of Pontesampaio. The latter is where French invaders were stopped in their efforts to conquer Galicia. Local legend says a woman noticed the French troops advancing, and, after sounding the alarm, faced them off wielding only a sickle until the Spanish army arrived to defeat the French.
Benedictine Monastery of San Salvador de Lérez - Tel: 986-841-471: Located in the Parish of San Salvador de Lérez, it is commonly known as San Benitiño. It was built in the 10th century by the monks of the Order of Saint Benedict and restored in the 16th and 17th centuries. A neoclassic templum with a Baroque facade from the 17th century, one wing of the 16th century cloister is joined to the south wall. During the 16th century, the cloister was a school of philosophy and humanities. The most interesting part is the chapel of Saint Benedict, which dates from 1700, where one can see the image of Christ. There is a popular tradition of walking kneeling below the altar of Christ.
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